Wilson Electronics DB Pro Cellular Signal Booster is actually an enhanced version of the former device, given that you prefer a solution that lets you access superb cell phone signal from every part of your house. Wilson Electronics DB Pro Cellular Signal Booster Plus, this cell phone booster has every set of hardware you need for mounting and installation.Ģ. The booster supports different protocols, including EDGE, HSDPA, GPRS and EVDO and, Wilson Electronics DT Cell Phone Boost is compatible with most of the cellular providers in US and Canada. As per what the manufacturer says, the signal booster can not only enhance signal but also help you to improve battery life of cellular devices, by means of ensuring signal health. Wilson Electronics DT Cell Phone Boost is a good choice when you need a cell phone signal booster for your home or a small office. Also, on a serious note, you are supposed to seek consent from your cellular provider before installation of such signal boosters, though majority of providers allow use of the same.ġ. Otherwise, the whole concept of setting up a cell phone booster would be somewhat futile. So, it is your responsibility to ensure that place where you set up external antenna should have decent signal availability. The signal will be then amplified and broadcasted using the internal antenna. Note: Cell phone boosters receive cell phone signals through an external antenna and amplify them.

In this post, we have created a list of top 10 cell phone signal boosters, if you are looking for such. Thus, in the long run, it seems necessary to depend upon another device - Cell Phone Signal Boosters! Though a bit expensive, you would love getting one if you are eager to have excellent cell phone signal and thus unobstructed communication - let it be voice, text or anything else.